Mouthwash Alcohol Free Aloe Vera & Tea Tree 250ml Aloe Dent

Regular price $12.95


Aloe Dent mouthwash is a perfect mouthwash for your entire family. It is alcohol free and contains aloe vera and tea tree extracts. This makes it a very safe and effective for children as well as adults.

It destroys any remaining bacteria from your mouth after brushing, It has a great taste and gives a freshness to mouth before you start or end your day. Using it regularly reduces the chances of cavities and other teeth problems. Also, the breath after using will smell refreshing and you will be able to get rid of any bad smell from the food you ate.

It is vegan and alcohol free so it does not harm your mouth in any way.


  • Great taste
  • Fresh breath through the day
  • Healthy gums
  • Shiny teeth
  • Suitable for all age groups
  • Fights dental diseases

Suggested Usage

Use this toothpaste twice a day: once in the morning and one time at night before sleeping.